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Rogaland Sparebank

Rogaland Sparebank witnessed 200% increase in goal attainment for their customer service teams and a 133% increase in new customers for their private sales department with SalesScreen.


Banking and Finance

Rogaland Sparebank

Yeah, I think it would be sad [to not have SalesScreen], and I think they would question if we would recognize the work that they do because it's been an important part of our sales process. I wouldn't be a popular man if I removed it.

Konrad Kvitvær, Bank Manager

Rogaland Sparebank is a savings bank providing commercial banking services to industry and private households in southwestern Norway. Since starting with SalesScreen in 2017, they have seen immediate and long-lasting results. We spoke to Bank Manager Konrad Kvitvær to see the impact of SalesScreen six years later.

In their first year using SalesScreen, Rogaland Sparebank saw results immediately, witnessing a 200% increase in goal attainment for their customer service teams and a 133% increase in new customers for their private sales department.

Since starting with SalesScreen, Rogaland Sparebank has seen:

  • Customer satisfaction has increased 35% from 2018 to 2022.
  • Insurance sales increased by 25% in 2022 compared to 2021, making 2022 the best year ever in insurance sales.
  • Sales culture has consistently improved, and employee satisfaction has remained high during the years SalesScreen has been implemented.


Rogaland Sparebank wanted to improve visibility across the organization and build a more results-driven approach towards sales and customer service while also highlighting good performance in a fun and engaging way in order to build a stronger workplace culture. They were also looking for a way to give their management team the ability to place more of a spotlight on good performance and increase recognition in real-time.


For Rogaland Sparebank, it was time to replace their whiteboards with a digital sales tool that was flexible and could provide updates in real-time. By using TV screens to show results and progress, they attracted the attention of other departments and built company-wide interest in their sales process, with colleagues cheering them on towards new milestones and even making friendly bets on when they would hit their next targets.

“We wanted a more visible and results-driven tool to keep track of sales. We wanted to go from old school to new school and put a more positive driven focus on sales where employees can cheer on each other. One major positive aspect of SalesScreen is that you can make results visible to everyone with slides, leaderboards, likes, and comments, and you can adjust how many people are showing on the lists… whether it’s the top 3 or 5 or the entire company.”
“What I've found very joyful is with the TV screens, when someone comes out from a meeting and has performed well, has a good result afterward. Not everyone finds it natural to shout about it. But with the TV screen, it becomes visible. So, it makes it possible for us to root for each other.”

In addition, Rogaland Sparebank managed to place focus on the right areas during important campaigns, resulting in improved performance on key targets and more celebrations from the entire organization. Even the management became more involved in recognizing individual accomplishments.

“SalesScreen allows us to easily focus on new campaigns or different targets throughout the year with competitions, slides, countdowns, and other features. Now, it’s very easy to get concentrated effort from everyone on our goals. Also, it gives the management team the ability to place a spotlight on individual goals or progression throughout teams. They can give feedback easily, and they see how much it’s valued by the employees.”
It has made it [work] more rewarding. One of the things that we have tried to adjust is that we also don't just embrace the good performers or the top performers. We also want to include the ones that have made improvements compared to what they achieved last month.”

Even boring tasks like manual data entry became more interesting. The registration of key activities and entry of data points also increased since it’s more fun to see your personal celebrations on TV or to work your way up the leaderboard.

“It’s all about adding motivation so that the employees want to put registrations into the data management system. Now, it’s visible to the whole organization, and there’s a lot more celebration behind every sale that they do. Everyone notices it, and they cheer on each other… people didn’t use to see that with a whiteboard, but now everyone sees updates when they log into the system, and they can give likes/comments/etc. It’s created a much more fun workplace.”
“I think the team likes it too much. We wouldn't function as well without it. It's a real part of our sales culture.

In many organizations, the management team wants to help increase efficiency and goal attainment but struggles to do so because they lack the real-time overview of individual performance. Since SalesScreen connects all office locations in real-time, it is easier for all levels of management to have a total overview and for direct managers to coach and provide guidance as they see necessary or to provide feedback and encouragement when warranted.

One thing I love is the instant sale. So when a deal is published, it pops right up on the screen and also on the platform online, where you can comment. But it’s also where I can easily track the performance to date. So I can, for example, look and see how we're doing this this month, and then it's very easy to pull out results. “Okay, we have performed 60% of our goals so far this month.” It makes it very easy for me as an admin to track.”

In many organizations, the management team wants to help increase efficiency and goal attainment but struggles to do so because they lack the real-time overview of individual performance. Since SalesScreen connects all office locations in real-time, it is easier for all levels of management to have a total overview and for direct managers to coach and provide guidance as they see necessary or to provide feedback and encouragement when warranted.

“The tool makes it easy for the upper management team to track, monitor and involve themselves in the sales process. This is also a key factor to take into consideration when choosing a sales reporting tool. It should not only be a tool for the sales representatives and their leaders – it should also involve management in order to give the recognition and respect that is deserved by the individuals for using the features the tool gives you. SalesScreen allows us to do this in a fun and easy way.”

By increasing the visibility and recognition of performance, individual motivation increased, and people became more focused on their results.

We have reached a lot of goals. All of them are tracked in SalesScreen, including our goal to increase market share and for my team, we have worked towards increasing our mortgage portfolio. For the last year, we have increased it by over 10%.

When results come up on the screens, it creates a more lively atmosphere and drives every to do more, sell more, and be the next one to register a completed activity.

“Celebrating has become more of a thing for us with SalesScreen. When a YouTube celebration video comes on there are high fives. Or, for example, if someone is working late at the office and they make a sale, nobody is there to see it but people will respond on the company feed from home and put in positive words so that it is meaningful and they are noticed for the hard work. The management team has also become quite good at this and I think it makes a difference to those people who are putting in the effort to know that someone sees it.”

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Reviewed Favorably By Industry Experts

Leader - Summer
Momentum - Summer
Implementable - Summer

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