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Tips for Starting Q1 off Right

Coming back to work in January after the holidays can be a brutal transition. And without a plan in place, it can be easy to start the year off already behind schedule. However, there are many simple things you can do to ease the transition.

Here are some of our tips for beginning the new year on a high note and ensuring success in Q1 and beyond.

Complete unfinished projects before starting new ones

It is common for most companies to have on-going projects that are not necessarily finished before the end of Q4. Rather than diving headfirst into new projects at the start of Q1, it can be more productive to focus on completing any unfinished projects.

Of course there might be on-going projects that are not possible to complete in the Q1 timeframe, but anything that can be checked off the to-do list should be. This will lead to better time management and everyone being on the same page. It will also allow you and your team to be more present and focused when starting the year’s new projects.

Reflect and check-in

January is the perfect time to reflect on the previous year. What went well? What improvements can be made? Focus on tangible tasks and goals that can be set, based on what you learned from 2019.

Ask your employees what they would like to see happen in 2020–a Know Your Company survey is a great way to do so! Employee feedback is essential to running a successful business, and it is also a brilliant way to re-engage them and build excitement for the future.

Tips for Starting Q1 off Right

Establish a quarterly focus

A clear, well-defined focus for the quarter is extremely helpful in setting the tone and leading your team on the path to success–both for Q1 and the following quarters. Think about what the “big picture” goals for the company are in 2020. What is the first step in completing those goals?

Hone in on a specific area that is most relevant to begin with and make this the known quarterly focus. It is also helpful to create a focus for Q2, Q3 and Q4 in order to map out how the year will tentatively look–and of course adjust accordingly as you go.

Maintain momentum with sales competitions

It can be difficult to keep up momentum going into the new year, so to keep things exciting we recommend running a competition right off-the-bat. People might be moving more slowly than usual and easing back into work tasks, but a contest is a fun, light-hearted way to give a motivation boost–especially if the winner gets a rad prize!

Check out these PDFs for some inspiration regarding sales contests and prize ideas.

Tips for Starting Q1 off Right

Look ahead

When establishing the plan for Q1, don’t forget to look ahead to the rest of 2020. The Q1 tasks and goals should align with the yearly ones and lay a solid foundation for success. Remember to also consider trends in your industry and keep an eye on competition to ensure that you are focusing on the right areas and maintaining a competitive edge. Tips for Starting Q1 off Right

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