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Springing into New Colors with Dashboard Updates

Color is a deeply important element in our lives. It affects everything from our mood to the decisions that we make, and it can even have physical effects on our body from calming us down to energizing us. Everyone from sales reps to managers are affected by colors in marketing, branding, products, and everything in between. The impact of color is so profound that in the 1960’s a study was done that researched the physiological response to the color pink.

Yes, like legally blonde, juicy couture tracksuit pink. 

Researcher Alexander Schauss drew from the teachings of Swiss psychiatrist Max Luscher, who theorized that color preferences could indicate personality traits and that those preferences shift depending on the psychological and physiological states of the individual. Schauss took this a step further and in his studies confirmed that color did have a physical effect on muscle strength and our cardiovascular system.

This led to a special request to a Naval correctional institute in Seattle to paint the interior of confinement cells pink. The power of the color pink, more specifically Baker-Miller Pink(named after the correctional institute directors), went on to influence the inside of other correctional facilities, earning the nickname Drunk Tank Pink. The effects became so well known that even sports teams started painting their opponents’ locker rooms Baker-Miller Pink to lower their adrenaline pre-game.

With all of this scientific research, it’s no wonder that we decided we needed to update the colors in the SalesScreen platform. Color is not just influential, it’s also discerning - when looking at a color we can determine what that color is trying to tell us, like, a red light telling us to stop. This is why our old dashboard could get a little confusing for sales reps and the management team - with widgets all the same color, you could have been exceeding your goals and had a completely red dashboard.

Our latest update to dashboard widgets is meant to eliminate any confusion. Our new performance colors will show you exactly how you and your team are doing in a single glance. Widgets will show performance data in Red, Yellow, or Green, indicating that you are below your goal, at your goal, or exceeding your goal. This new color update will make it easier than ever to manage your sales team, help create efficient coaching modules, and get insights into your current competitions all at a single glance. This update is rolled out across all users, so your sales reps will be able to see their current standings just as easily as your managers.

If you’re interested in learning more about new performance colors, click here!

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