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SalesScreen Gives Thanks

We know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t SalesScreen a Norwegian gamification company? Why are they talking about Thanksgiving?” Over the last two years, our team has made the jump across the pond and expanded into the U.S., and we’ve picked up a few fun holidays along the way. This year for Thanksgiving, we asked our whole team what they were thankful for, and we got responses ranging from professional goals to being grateful for family, and we wanted to take some time to call those out! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, or as our Norwegian team calls it, Høsttakkefest. Here is what the SalesScreen family is thankful for as we go around the table this year.

I am thankful for my family.” - Sindre Haaland

Classic, traditional, and heartfelt. This might be Sindre’s most American moment ever.

I am thankful for travel finally coming back and being able to get back out there for in-person conferences and a few personal vacations, of course.” -Olga Karanikos

Olga has been crushing the webinar, event, and conference circuit, so don’t be surprised if you see her at an event near you.

More than usual, our happy, healthy, growing family is top of mind for me this year.” - Dana Mirabella

Dana is not only our new CRO, but she is also welcoming a new baby to her family and not finding out the gender until they are born! Talk about the patience of a saint!

I'm thankful for my job - that I get to do something I love and something(I think) I’m great at every day. I'm also thankful for having an amazing girlfriend in Nora and that my 1-year-old girl, Lara, is healthy and super cool!” - Remi Morken

To be honest, Mork is amazing at his job as SVP of Sales, but don’t tell him we admitted that!

I’m thankful for my marketing team and my health!” - Remi Sanderford

We hear you, Sandy, and a little bit of pandering goes a long way with the marketing team!

I guess I’m thankful for having started a new job with some really awesome colleagues who make every day going to work fun.” - Hallvard Jore

Halli just finished another amazing push with our battle of the phones series that we throw every year! Check out his recap post here!

I am thankful for Taylor Swift touring next year, and I will be more thankful when I actually get tickets*.” - Brittney Moseley

Good luck, Britt! You get those tickets! Unrelated, if anyone has any Taylor Swift tickets in the New York area, please reach out to Brittney ASAP.

I am thankful for good wine, dogs, and Harry Styles.” - Emilie Anderssen

Honestly, after hearing her answer, I think we are all thankful for those too.

I'm thankful for the opportunity to have an impact on the future leaders of my community back home in Malden and thankful for my family.” - Jensen Ayuk

Jensen is one of the most creative sales reps I have ever spoken with, and his commitment to his family and community is second to none!

I’d say beyond turkey and good wine, I’m thankful for my family and friends.” - Kevin Streber

Kevin has a lot to be thankful for, especially since he lives and works in warm and wonderful Mexico these days! 

I'm thankful for my connections that led Kevin Walter to find me and Benjamin- and thankful for the collaboration we have together as a new SDR team- it’s a perfect mix of energy/ drive, creativity, and no BS. Personally- I'm going to be a grandpa in the next couple of months and thankful we have momma to be moved back home.(She was in California; we are in WV).” - Nick Bush

We are so thrilled to have Nick as a new member of our US team. Grandfatherhood looks good on you, Nick!

There is a ton to be thankful for this year! I welcomed my third baby(Another boy, lord help us), AND I started my stint here at SalesScreen. I don’t think I have ever experienced a better work-life balance, felt more part of a team doing BIG things, or felt more personally happy in my career. This year is a big one, and next year looks even bigger. What’s not to love?!” - Nick Beltramo

Most of all, we are thankful for the amazing team of sales reps, SDRs, marketing professionals, developers, and overall wildly talented people that make up the SalesScreen family. Every position in our company is filled with some of the top professionals in the industry, and that mastery really shows when it comes to crunch time.

So, thank you to all our employees, and if you want to join our team, we’ve got spaces open! So happy Thanksgiving or Høsttakkefest, everyone! Keep crushing it for the rest of Q4, and here’s looking forward to bigger and better things in 2023!

*Editors note: she got the tickets :) (It's me, Brittney, I'm the Editor.)

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