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Announcing the Lottery Competition

Welcome to “Wheel of Fortune”, for sales teams. In this exciting competition, users collect tickets and spin to win prizes. In our never-ending quest to create the best sales contests anywhere on the planet, we’re proud to announce the launch of our newest addition: Lottery Competition.

In this fun competition, users collect “tickets” for completing sales tasks. The administrator sets how many tickets are awarded for different activities and how long the competition will run for, as well as selecting available prizes. When the competition time runs out, all users can gather around to “spin the wheel” and see who wins which prizes.

In order to allow for more people to win prizes than just the “average sales contest” where the same people always win, this contest makes it possible for everyone to win and calculates the chance of each sales rep winning based on how many tickets out of the total available tickets they hold.

Lottery Competition Tutorial from Dogu on Vimeo.


  • The sales manager wants to increase number of total sales this week, so he awards 10 tickets for each sale completed during the week. John completes 5 sales, Sally completes 3 sales and Tim and Steve both complete 1 sale each. (Or, if for instance the goal is value, then it could be 1 ticket for each $1,000 sold for.)
  • There are 100 total tickets earned by sales reps at the completion of the contest. There are 3 prizes available. 1st prize: sports tickets, 2nd prize: bottle of wine, 3rd prize: taco lunch delivered on Friday.
  • John has 50 tickets, Sally has 30 tickets and Tim and Steve both have 10 tickets each. This means that John has a 50% chance of winning a prize, Sally has 30% and Tim and Steve both have a 10% chance.
  • On Friday, the competition ends and the whole team gathers around the TV to have a laugh and see who wins which prizes. The sales manager clicks “spin” on his phone or web app and the wheel begins to spin for 10 seconds before slowing and landing on a person’s name/color.
  • On each spin, the biggest prizes are awarded first, so that the people with the most tickets have the highest chance of winning. So, the wheel spins for 1st prize, then 2nd prize, and so on.
  • Based on statistical chance, John should win first prize, Sally should win second and either Tim or Steve should win third prize… but instead, let’s say this happens: Sally wins 1st prize and now the system recalculates chance of winning, so John has 60% and Tim and Steve both have 20% chance. The wheel spins for second prize and John wins. Now, Tim and Steve both have a 50% chance of winning third prize.
  • Everyone celebrates, laughs, receives their prizes and goes home admiring the fun company they work for :)

SalesScreen’s lottery competition is a brilliant new way to run sales contests and motivate teams. This competition is completely flexible and can be used to drive better performance on sales, offers, meetings, or other activity (such as phone calls, emails, customer support, etc). Simply choose what your goal is, determine how you’d like to measure performance, and then set up and run the competition… all in about 2 minutes! Enjoy!

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