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How to Create Cohesion in Sales Teams

How to Create Cohesion in Sales Teams

A cohesive environment increases employee satisfaction and builds teamwork towards organizational objectives. Common goals and mission-driven targets are key, but here are a few more things that will help create cohesion in your sales teams.

March 2, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

5 Sales Metrics Every Leaderboard Should Measure

5 Sales Metrics Every Leaderboard Should Measure

Generating enough activity on the right targets and making the data visible, understandable and instantly available is the goal of any sales manager. Here are 5 of our favorite leaderboards and why we use them.

February 24, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

5 Ways to Lead Your Sales Teams from the Front

5 Ways to Lead Your Sales Teams from the Front

Leadership is the most important skill in management. In this article, we look at a few brief sales management tips that will improve how you lead from the front.

February 24, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

SalesScreen Selected as Finalist for Best Product Category at Sales Innovation Expo

SalesScreen Selected as Finalist for Best Product Category at Sales Innovation Expo

We’re proud to announce that we’ve been selected as a Finalist in the Best Product Category for the 2017 Sales Innovation Expo in London on March 28 & 29.

February 23, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

14 Easy Ways to Love Your Team & Customers

14 Easy Ways to Love Your Team & Customers

Here are 14 brilliant ideas to let the people you care about know that you love them. Happy Valentines Day!

February 14, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

How Gamification Simplifies Sales Management

How Gamification Simplifies Sales Management

Although by definition sales management sounds simple, it is anything but that...

February 13, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

Brand New Dashboard Design!

Brand New Dashboard Design!

One of the best parts about SalesScreen has been completely revamped. Here’s how.

February 3, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

The 3 Types of Customer Brand Loyalty

The 3 Types of Customer Brand Loyalty

Have you ever wondered what drives different customer segments to purchase your product time and time again? Or, perhaps you’ve wondered why customers seem to prefer your competitors’ products even though they seem to be inferior? Here, we take a look at brand loyalty and how you can use it to drive value.

January 25, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

Coffee is for Listeners

Coffee is for Listeners

Sales is about problem solving… in order to solve a problem, you need to listen first.

January 19, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

10 Reasons Why Every Startup Should Bootstrap

10 Reasons Why Every Startup Should Bootstrap

In Part 2, we take a look at 10 reasons why every company should bootstrap.

January 19, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

10 (MORE) Ways to Boost the Productivity of Your Sales Team

10 (MORE) Ways to Boost the Productivity of Your Sales Team

Sometimes, it seems like there is just so much going on that it’s impossible to figure out what to focus on, where to spend your time and how to squeeze the most out of the workday without needing to fill tons of additional hours in order to meet sales targets.

January 18, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter

SalesScreen Integrates with Headshed Cube

SalesScreen Integrates with Headshed Cube

Customers can now combine sales motivation with data driven sales management tools to focus activity on key targets. Data + Gamification = Performance.

January 13, 2017

Nick Beltramo

Nick Beltramo

Senior Copywriter