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14 Easy Ways to Love Your Team & Customers

Valentines Day is all about the people you care about most… and for us, that’s our customers. We wouldn’t be here doing what we love if not for your support and cooperation. So, we wanted to ask…

14 Easy Ways to Love Your Team & Customers

We also wanted to share these 14 easy ways to show your employees and customers some love. Approved by Cupid himself.

14 Easy Ways to Love Your Team & Customers

1. Say thank you

Nothing will ever show that you love your team quite as well as a simple thank you. Tell them that you appreciate their hard work and dedication, but be specific. Saying thanks should not be generic and cheap. It should be thoughtful and individualized for each person.

2. Show them you know them

If you want your people to feel special, show them that you care about their daily life. Maybe someone got engaged recently, had a baby or raised money for a local charity. Maybe they have a kid who is doing well on a sports team, band, or something else. Whatever it is, find something special to talk about with your team members.

3. Bring some treats and decorate

Food is usually the way to your employee’s hearts. Invite them to a business meeting… and then surprise them with no meeting at all, just a room decorated with hearts and balloons and some food. Personally, we like tacos (wink wink). Cupcakes, chocolates or even an ice-cream social are all brilliant ideas.

4. Provide training/education assistance

Career advancement and job training are two of the most highly sought-after awards for millennials. Show them some love by sending them to a course or by providing education reimbursement. Remember, investing in your employees is the most important investment you can make.

5. Write a LinkedIn recommendation

One great way to show your employees the love is by showing others how important they are to you and how much they mean to you. LinkedIn recommendations are highly visible by colleagues and customers. Sure, it makes them look attractive to recruiters too, but if you build a good culture and treat them well, they won’t leave you anyways. Do the right thing.

6. Hold 1-on-1’s

A great way to put your hand directly on the pulse of the company is by holding 1-on-1’s. Don’t go for the “yeah, everything is fine” stuff… ask the deep questions and invite true, honest feedback. If you don’t ask, you’ll eventually find out anyway and it may not be what you were hoping for. Be proactive, let them voice their real feelings, take it on the shoulder and make proper adjustments if needed. True leaders listen and implement change.

7. Offer flexible working hours

Honestly, maybe the best one on the list. Remember when you were a kid and class got out early, how good that felt? Well, it’s your turn to pay it forward. Let your employees loose just a bit early and let them enjoy an early afternoon off to be with their loved ones.

14 Easy Ways to Love Your Team & Customers

1. Make a video Valentine

A picture is worth a thousand words but a video is worth… well… even more. Here’s a quick, fun video we made just saying thank you to our customers. We posted it on social media and just wanted to share some love. We have the best customers in the world and we need to do a better job of letting them know. Here’s a start…

2. Donate to their charity

Nothing says “LOVE” like where we donate our time, money and energy. Find a charity that is close to your customer’s heart and donate a small amount, just to say thanks for their continued business. Or, offer to match their donations or join them in a fundraiser.

3. Publicly thank them on social media

A simple tweet, a Facebook like, a review of their product, a recommendation, an Instagram photo of you holding their product and saying thanks… these things go a looooong way in winning the hearts and minds of your customers. And it’s just plain nice.

4. Include a thank-you note

Nothing says we appreciate your business quite like a classic handwritten thank-you note. Simply place it in the box with their order and I guarantee their smiles will light up a room. Nothing is better than a simple thank-you.

5. Provide a discount

Give your customers a little discount to say thanks for their continued support. Or, give them a kickback on referrals. Technically, you should probably be doing these things year-round, but especially on Valentine’s Day.

6. Conduct case studies

Pick a couple of your top-performing customers and ask if you can do a case study on them, where you will highlight their business, how they use your product and what amazing results they have achieved. It’s a win-win. Then, share their success story in your newsletter, social media, emails and website.

7. Reward them for their feedback

Customer feedback is the best way to build a better product. Run a Valentine’s campaign to conduct surveys and get some new testimonials. In return, send them something nice, like a card, a box of chocolates or, if you want to kick it up a notch, go our route and send a bottle of bourbon. I mean, hell, customers are everything and even Cupid likes a little barrel-aged deliciousness.

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