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12 Summer Prize Ideas for Sales Reps

As summer rolls around and the weather gets warm and sunny, you're probably trying to come up with some fun ways to make the office a little more exciting and keep your salespeople engaged in their daily tasks.

Here are 12 brilliant summer sales contest prize ideas to decorate the office, make work more fun and keep your sales reps focused on delivering on their quotas. From cheap to pricey, we cover a bit of everything.

Be sure to combine these prizes with our 5 Amazing Summer Sales Contest Ideas to really spice things up!

1. Desktop Games

These desktop games are a funny and brilliant idea to keep things fun and keep the creative juices flowing. Choose from ideas like tower puzzles, flick football, croquet, cornhole, golf and so many more - in mini desk-size version! (From $2 at Amazon)

2. Stress Balls

When it's warm and sunny outside and all you want to do is escape but you're stuck in the office, it helps to keep you busy. Stress balls are a great desk toy to keep you busy and build forearm strength for when you're out rock climbing, reeling in fish or double-fisting longnecks later. (From approx $3-$7 at Fidget Club)

3. Tropical Office Decorations

Everything from inflatable palm trees to luau shirts, table decorations, balloons, leis and everything else you need to get tropical ion your office. Guaranteed to bring smiles and laughs all around. (From $5 up at Hawaiian Party Club)

4. Water Balloon Fight

Just because you're dressed up sharp doesn't mean you can't all change into summer clothes and have a water balloon fight as a fun way to end the week! Add some capture the flag, dodgeball, volleyball or hand towel racing with water balloons to make it extra exciting!

5. Remote Control Toys

Let's just admit it… grown-ups are really just big kids. We like gadgets, toys, tech and tools. Bring some RC into your offices with some of these gizmos like a RC helicopter, tank, car or plane. (Prices vary. Some cool ideas at Gadget Review)

6. Yard Games

From Giant Jenga to Ring Toss, Flipper Fill Up and Glow in the Dark Bowling, Buzzfeed has nailed down some killer games that are great for building teamwork and having tons of fun! (Check out these brilliant DIY ideas at BuzzFeed)

7. Brain Teasers

Puzzles are a great way to improve critical thinking and focus. So, when you're stuck at work and can't stop daydreaming about catching some surf, spend 5 minutes challenging yourself with one of these and then get back to the grind. You're almost there. (From $7 up at Fat Brain Toys)

8. Fancy Watch

Who doesn't want to look sharp this summer rocking a new time piece? Regardless of budget, you can find pretty amazing watches these days that will suit the taste of just about anyone.

9. Summer Beers

When it all comes down to it, nothing says summer like a frosty beer. Check out these top picks and consider getting a case or two to celebrate your winning team(s). Nothing says 'thanks for your hard work' like craft brew. We highly suggest the Summer Solstice, Hell or High Watermelon and Rogue's American Amber. (Prices vary. You know where to find tasty beers but check BuzzFeed list!)

10. Grilling set

There's barbecue… and then there's proper summer BBQ. Make sure your reps are doing it right in their time off by rewarding them with one of these essential grilling tools from Williams-Sonoma. (From $20+. Tons of ideas at Williams-Sonoma)

11. Drone-Copter

Whether the extreme sport adventurer or the everyman enthusiast, this is guaranteed to be a big hit all summer long. This drone creates amazing hands-free aerial footage by tracking only your smartphone. Remove the learning curve of flying and get straight down to action. (From $1,000 at Hexo+)

12. Baseball Glove

Maybe you're just playing catch with the kiddos or maybe you're snatching up fly balls like Willie Mays. Either way, these baseball gloves are a perfect summer go-to for catching up on America's past time. (From $30-$500 at JustBallGloves.com)


If you really want to bring some extra fun in the office for summer, check out SalesScreen! We combine all of your data with a fun, rewarding and highly addictive gamification platform to help you recognize performance and run real-time sales contests. Guaranteed to boost activity over those long summer months. Plus, we've got our own webshop where reps can unlock coins for completing activities and then use them to purchase the rewards they want! We've already given you a pretty awesome list to fill your webshop with... get started today! 12 Summer Prize Ideas for Sales Reps

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